Here are some tips from my adventure today.
Tip #1: Research is key.
Tip #2: Bring extra batteries for cameras. (Or in my case bring extra cameras)
My first stop was at Epheseus Baptist Church. I brought two digital cameras with me and extra batteries. But with my luck neither of the cameras wanted to work. Thanks cameras! Luckily my phone takes pictures and so it had to do.
Tip #3: Bring a notebook, some water (for yourself & for the tombstones), & writing utensils.
I did manage to bring a notebook and pen to keep up with my transcriptions, drawings, and other notes. I failed to bring water (spray bottle or otherwise) which made reading some of the stones impossible.
Tip #4: Bring closed toed shoes (& long pants).
Epheseus is still in use and well kept (although some stones have been covered by grass), but my next stop Macedonia Church was a more rural cemetery with grass as high as my knees. This is when I switched from my trusty Chaco's to my trusty tennis shoes. Boy was I glad those were in the car. Long pants would have been helpful too because I would not have had to worry as much about picking up ticks or stepping on deadly things. Oh yeah, and those tennis shoes, they are also good if a dog decides to chase after you.
Tip #5: Always Bring Bug Spray!!!!
I may not have needed it at Epheseus, but bug spray would have been a welcome item at Macedonia cemetery. The forested cemetery harbored many mosquitoes...and is now the inspiration for the title of my blog.
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